Kundwa Health - Who We Are.

Founded in Gatsibo district, we are a youth led social enterprise, passionate about tackling Sexual & reproductive health and mental health issues through supporting adolescents and young people to have access to life saving information and services on Sexual and Reproductive health, mental health and youth empowerment through mentorship.

Our Mission

Uplifting the healthy well being of adolescents and young people through availing inclusive, friendly and evidence based health information and services.

Our Vision

A society where health information and services are accessible and inclusive. A platform where everyone easily learn and adopt to new health technologies.

Our Values

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident atque corrupti quos dolores

We are Kundwa Health!

We are working with young people to decentralize health information and services they need to lead healthier lives through digital health means

Literally Kundwa means "Be loved!" It is the name we choose for our organization which reflects how young people should be loved and cared for as the future of the nation.our intervention goal is to provide young people with different health tools including information and services they need in a fun and interactive way while promoting usage of digital health means. Now Kundwa Health works with diverse groups of young people in uplifting their healthy well being through different projects and initiatives using digital health means.

Call To Action

Kundwa Health is driven by the passion of tackling Sexual & reproductive health and mental health issues through supporting adolescents and young people to have access to life saving information and services on Sexual and Reproductive health, mental health and youth empowerment through mentorship.

Donate For Cause

Our Partners

Kundwa Health works with diverse groups of young people in uplifting their healthy well being through different projects and initiatives using digital health means, and we are not working alone. Here are some of our partners whom we are working with.

University of Rwanda
Imbuto Foundation
Buffet Foundation
Health Edu

Our Team

Literally Kundwa means “Be loved”! Founded in Gatsibo district by three young health activists driven by the passion of tackling Sexual & reproductive health and mental health issues, here is our team.

Confiance CYUBAHIRO - Kundwa Health


Eric Mandela NIYONGIRA - Kundwa Health

Eric Mandela NIYONGIRA

Nadine UMURUNGI - Kundwa Health


Wendy GATOYA UWASE - Kundwa Health


Marketing Director
Josee MUREKEYISONI - Kundwa Health


Programs Coordinator


Kundwa envisions a society where health information and services are accessible and inclusive. We woud love to hear from you. For any enquiry, get in touch and let us know what to be clarified or how we can assist.

Our Address

Gatsibo District, Eastern Province, RWANDA

Email Us


Call Us

+250 786 721 339
+250 786 721 339

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